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Domain Name Website Title Note On Bourses Stock Exchanges Organised Markets India






































































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Important Note On Domain And Website (Nothing Legal)

#1. Bourse stands for exchange (organised market) and also Stock Exchange. It also has certain French connotations. The domain name bourses.in is representative (not official but also not illegal) of organised markets or Exchanges including Stock Exchanges India and anything related thereof. This should generally imply Stock Markets India also. (This may be subject to minor amendments, editing.)

#2. The procurement of the domain bourses.in and the development of a website on the same is a private endeavour or outcome of entrepreneurship and is not a prohibitory act.

#3. The intent of the website on the said domain is to present information to the general public, to the entire world regarding ‘bourses, stock exchanges of India, the Indian organised market or the Indian exchanges, and its derivatives’ in any way. The entire spectrum of Indian Stock Market is included. We are not bound in any way.

#4. Please also read Disclaimer of the website.

#5. The domain and the website are owned by Ether Domains. Ether Domains is founded and owned by a citizen of India.



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